Friday, 25 May 2012

C4 Chemistry Quiz Update

Recently the C4 Chemistry Quiz was updated due to a content inaccuracy. This would not have been found if it wasn't for a reviewer who I am extremely grateful. Therefore I urge all those who have the opportunity to download software from the UVALLI Web Development Project and review, to correct any inaccuracies which may exist.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Parental Protected Sim Cards

Vodafone has announced that it will run the Bemilo system on its network. This means that parents will be able prevent texting, using internet and calling during certain hours. The Bemilo system is not an app, it can't be switched off. The service would cost £2.95 a month and would be on a pay and go basis.  

Friday, 18 May 2012

The Weather

The weather seems to be a very common topic on my blog. Maybe it is because weather affects one's day and the mood they are in. Anyway, The weather seems to have improved. There seems to be much more sun, but the thing is I seem to be more tired! So has the weather improved for the better for me? I think I'll just have to wait and see!

Monday, 14 May 2012


Twitter is definately one of the greatest creations! I've just joined and I absolubtely love it. Follow me: @uvalliwdp or visit!/UVALLIWDP

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Its Always Raining, How are we in a Drought?

At the moment we are meant to be in the lovely warm month of May. But every time I look outside all I see is a dull and grey sky and lots of rain. Then I hear on the news that a drought exists. I wonder to myself how that is possible. So I decided to conduct some research.

Through my very short reasearch, mainly because I don't have much time, found out some interesting facts about water:
  1. On Average, Each person in the UK uses 150 litres of water per day.
  2.  It would take 50 days of Solid rain to get us out of this drought.
  3. The Key to water efficiency is reducing waste, not restricting use!

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

A trip to A & E

We have all been in that position where we needed to go to A&E. Well recently I was put in that position. It all started like this:

08:00pm- having a nice lasagne
08:30pm- feel wheezy (having an asthma attack)
08:35pm- sit down, feel extremely hot (as if you are in a hot country)
08:37pm- decide to go home to get my inhaler.
08:42pm- arrive home, take inhaler.
08:43pm- still feel hot, so pour water on face.
08:44pm- look in mirror and notice a rash on my face
08.46pm- decide to go to hospital
08.47pm- rush out the house and into the car and off to hospital
08.52pm- arrive at Hospital and register
08.55pm- Nurse calls my name and I examines me
08.57pm- questions me and decides to give me PIRITON!
09.00pm- feel much better, rash starts to die down
10.00pm- fell much better, but still a bit itchy
11.00pm- fed up of sitting in A&E for two hours, want to go home!
11.30pm- Doctor and Nurse question me, they give me the all clear and off I go!

My visit to A&E has taught me a few Lessons! They are:
  1. Never eat Quorn (I am allergic to this!)
  2. If you have an allergic reaction, call the ambulance and take some Piriton.
  3. Always keep your inhaler with you!
  4. Doctors and Nurses have a tough life
  5. Be grateful for hospitals, many don't have them

Monday, 7 May 2012

Beware of Illegal Downloading

A new website has been launched that keeps track of millions of files available for illegal download.  When you visit the website, it scans your IP address and lets you know whether you have been illegally downloading and what it is. As well as this you can scan other peoples IPs. It's a way of 'naming' and 'shaming' illegal downloaders. 

I urge all not to illegally download or file share.