Friday, 23 March 2012


Many would describe Friday as the joyful day, a day when many see the weekend start and the relaxation begin. It is a day which I especially enjoy and understand that it is the day of joy billions all over the World. A day in which we should unwind and allow the relaxations to begin. Take advantage of Friday as it shapes what the weekend will be like. For example, a late night on Friday, will possibly mean a wasted Saturday morning and possibly it could lead to a wasted Sunday morning. This would lead to unproductive weekend.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Shocking News!

I was watching BBC News, and saw a story which I thought I had to share. So, here it goes:

A 'Pitbull like' dog attacked five police officers during a dawn raid this morning. The police officers were injured and were sent to hospital. Due to the extent of the injuries, three of the five would require to stay overnight. Due to the danger the dog faced towards the police he was shot dead by a dog unit and armed police officers.


Wednesday, 21 March 2012


It is interesting how daily each person is tested. In the workplace you are tested for your knowledge and skills. Similar in Schools. But, Everyday the innocent poor people all over the world are tested for their patience. It makes you wonder, and it certainly made me wonder, how long that patience will last? Can we sit here reading this blog and not do anything. Well the answer is we can. Recently, I came across an orgainsation which has now become close to my heart. And I hope it becomes close to yours. Orphans in Need is an international organisation with the aim to help the vulnerable orphans and widows of the world. Visit their website and even if you can't donate, assist them by letting the world know about their cause and with your help we can create a brighter future for tomorrow, and shorten that test these people deal with on a daily basis.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


It was only last week, when I last made comment on the weather which I experienced. Instead of Fog, today it is quite nice. The Sun is shining and it is a beautiful day.

Even though it is nowhere near the heat of the deserts, I still thought that I was experiencing desert like conditions (HOW WRONG AM I). It reminded me of the time when I went to Dubai as a young boy.  GOOD MEMORIES!