Saturday, 29 September 2012

Hating iOS 6

Had an iPad 2 for nearly a year now, and never had a problem, but along comes iOS 6 and it has to ruin all that. My iPad has never frozen before, but guess what, it somehow is doing that a lot now. Also, whils typing you can use your magnifying glass, but for some reason on iOS 6 it doesn't work very well. Furthermore, the layout of the settings menu, gets on my nerves. There was no need for this change, it was fine as it was. Also the maps fiasco. But what I hate most of all, is the new istores. The layout and look really gets on my nerves. On top of that, you can't hide purchased apps. Sometimes you download an app, and you really hate it, so before I could hide it and it would never show up again, but now it just sits there, wasting both space and time.

Apple, when your doing something good keep it, and when something's wrong get rid of it.

The truth is Apple have included some great features in iOS 6 , however I prefer iOS 5. 

Friday, 28 September 2012

Conduit Mobile

Conduit mobile when they fist started were good. Everything that a perosn needed to make a simple app was there and also for free. However, recnetly they have started to limit a lot. They have placed many restrcitionson the number of views you can have on your app. What makes it worst, is the number they have limtied it to is 500. Quite unreasonable, I think.

Friday, 14 September 2012

The End of a Long Day of ...

Well, Toady has been a long day for me. With several hours of coding now complete, I can happily say that the UVALLI Search Bar is ready for launch. However, it may be a few days before it being available to download as I still have the User Guide to produce. This may take some time as I have busy weekend ahead of me. So anyway, within the next few days it should be available to download. At least today has been a day of accomplishment, and that is what we should aim to do daily. If your day has not been successful, the answer is simple, you haven't taken advantage of your time on this Earth. Each Day Plan to Succeed and you will Succeed, as long as you don't harm another to succeed!

By the way, If any of you have stories/poems, that you would like to have published in a book, Visit VALLI Books ( and Submit your Story!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Been Sometime...

Since the last time I have blogged, so much has happened. That's partly due to two things. Firstly, so much has happened since then (i.e.. Olympics/Paralympics e.t.c.), and secondly, I haven't had the time to blog. You see, it requires much thought into what I am going to write and I don't take this duty lightly.

Anyway, since my last post, I have been updating a lot of software. Ensuring that bugs are fixed and that it's easier to use. This, as well as the fact I had deleted the original files (Not the smartest thing I have done!), meant that I had to start from scratch. This was a pain, but it was also a good thing. It gave me the opportunity to re-visit and revise coding. You know what it is like, when you have left something for some time, and then tried to re-start it. You can't remember anything and then you get stuck (and start scratching your head) as you can't remember what to do. Well that happened to me! This meant that my working speed slowed down, but now I'm happy to say that it has increased since then. Success!

Later on this year, the new UVALLI Interface is planned to be launched, and additionally to this a new UVALLI Browser. Both will have been made from scratch, allowing more freedom for the user. Additionally to this, this month a new Search bar, which will work as part of the desktop will be launched. So, as you can see from this, the following few months will be busy and will require a great deal of patience and perseverance. So with that I leave you, only to get cracking on what I have to do next!

Friday, 10 August 2012

Life is too Short!

Just learnt that a dear teacher of mine, called Steve Lovegrove has passed away. It is extremely saddening, and I ask that mercy is showered down upon him and patience is granted to his family.

The truth is, is that Life is too short. There is so much that one can do in life, but how much will one accomplish. A poet wrote that 'the one who has nothing to boast at the age of twenty, will have nothing to boast for the rest of his life'. What is the meaning of this? The early stages of an individuals life, shapes the rest of their life. Meaning that, if you accomplish at a young age, the more likely you are to be successful in the rest of your life. However, if you have accomplished nothing (Which I am sure is not the case!), it doesn't mean that you won't be successful, it will just be harder for you to reach that stage.

Remember: You Only Live Once, so make the most of life. Ask yourself now, What is my purpose on this Earth? And then complete/implement it before it is too late.

Monday, 2 July 2012

A Sensational Performance

I was given the pleasure of attending the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge. I have to commend all the speakers for a spectacular performance which won over crowds. Additionally to this, I have to commend Marcello of Oaks Park High School in Redbridge who took home first place with a speech about friends. His originality has to be commended.

I also have to commend Lorcan Moullier who made me cry due to laughter after an exceptional speech about Justin Bieber. Well done to also Sara Ahmed and Muaaz Patel. Both of whom delivered speeches with large volumes of humour. Both also had great support from the crowd.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Mooshoo Decorators

Mooshoo Decorators are a new decorating company who work in East London. They have aggreed to sponsor the UVALLI Web Development Project. Thanks to them our work can increase in quality. I understand that issues and bugs exist with some programs and I am working to deal with this, however this may take some time.

Please Visit their website:

Friday, 25 May 2012

C4 Chemistry Quiz Update

Recently the C4 Chemistry Quiz was updated due to a content inaccuracy. This would not have been found if it wasn't for a reviewer who I am extremely grateful. Therefore I urge all those who have the opportunity to download software from the UVALLI Web Development Project and review, to correct any inaccuracies which may exist.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Parental Protected Sim Cards

Vodafone has announced that it will run the Bemilo system on its network. This means that parents will be able prevent texting, using internet and calling during certain hours. The Bemilo system is not an app, it can't be switched off. The service would cost £2.95 a month and would be on a pay and go basis.  

Friday, 18 May 2012

The Weather

The weather seems to be a very common topic on my blog. Maybe it is because weather affects one's day and the mood they are in. Anyway, The weather seems to have improved. There seems to be much more sun, but the thing is I seem to be more tired! So has the weather improved for the better for me? I think I'll just have to wait and see!

Monday, 14 May 2012


Twitter is definately one of the greatest creations! I've just joined and I absolubtely love it. Follow me: @uvalliwdp or visit!/UVALLIWDP

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Its Always Raining, How are we in a Drought?

At the moment we are meant to be in the lovely warm month of May. But every time I look outside all I see is a dull and grey sky and lots of rain. Then I hear on the news that a drought exists. I wonder to myself how that is possible. So I decided to conduct some research.

Through my very short reasearch, mainly because I don't have much time, found out some interesting facts about water:
  1. On Average, Each person in the UK uses 150 litres of water per day.
  2.  It would take 50 days of Solid rain to get us out of this drought.
  3. The Key to water efficiency is reducing waste, not restricting use!

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

A trip to A & E

We have all been in that position where we needed to go to A&E. Well recently I was put in that position. It all started like this:

08:00pm- having a nice lasagne
08:30pm- feel wheezy (having an asthma attack)
08:35pm- sit down, feel extremely hot (as if you are in a hot country)
08:37pm- decide to go home to get my inhaler.
08:42pm- arrive home, take inhaler.
08:43pm- still feel hot, so pour water on face.
08:44pm- look in mirror and notice a rash on my face
08.46pm- decide to go to hospital
08.47pm- rush out the house and into the car and off to hospital
08.52pm- arrive at Hospital and register
08.55pm- Nurse calls my name and I examines me
08.57pm- questions me and decides to give me PIRITON!
09.00pm- feel much better, rash starts to die down
10.00pm- fell much better, but still a bit itchy
11.00pm- fed up of sitting in A&E for two hours, want to go home!
11.30pm- Doctor and Nurse question me, they give me the all clear and off I go!

My visit to A&E has taught me a few Lessons! They are:
  1. Never eat Quorn (I am allergic to this!)
  2. If you have an allergic reaction, call the ambulance and take some Piriton.
  3. Always keep your inhaler with you!
  4. Doctors and Nurses have a tough life
  5. Be grateful for hospitals, many don't have them

Monday, 7 May 2012

Beware of Illegal Downloading

A new website has been launched that keeps track of millions of files available for illegal download.  When you visit the website, it scans your IP address and lets you know whether you have been illegally downloading and what it is. As well as this you can scan other peoples IPs. It's a way of 'naming' and 'shaming' illegal downloaders. 

I urge all not to illegally download or file share.  

Friday, 27 April 2012

The UVALLI Web Development Project Continued

In my last post I made mention about one of my hobbies which was to do with computers and software. Well today I have purchased a domain for my website. Therefore, the 'weebly' bit won't be required. However due to my incredibly small budget, I was only able to get a '' domain. At least its better than the other one. So anyway, below is the new web address:

(BTW: the old web address still works!)

Friday, 13 April 2012

The UVALLI Web Development Project

Many of you may not know this, but one of my few hobbies is computers and software. Recently, I have created software, which can be used by all. I would appreciate it if all my readers would visit and try some of my software out.


SUN at last!

First of all, I thought I should apologise for not updating my blog. I have been quite busy lately and I'll blog more about this later.

Well anyway, there was sun at last today. It didn't last all day but at least it was a start. It's probably a sign of good things to come. During the last week, the weather here in the UK, took a turn for the worst. Cloudy days, and very few glimpses of sunshine were the order of the days. Then today, on Friday 13th we see sunshine. How ironic is that? 

Friday, 23 March 2012


Many would describe Friday as the joyful day, a day when many see the weekend start and the relaxation begin. It is a day which I especially enjoy and understand that it is the day of joy billions all over the World. A day in which we should unwind and allow the relaxations to begin. Take advantage of Friday as it shapes what the weekend will be like. For example, a late night on Friday, will possibly mean a wasted Saturday morning and possibly it could lead to a wasted Sunday morning. This would lead to unproductive weekend.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Shocking News!

I was watching BBC News, and saw a story which I thought I had to share. So, here it goes:

A 'Pitbull like' dog attacked five police officers during a dawn raid this morning. The police officers were injured and were sent to hospital. Due to the extent of the injuries, three of the five would require to stay overnight. Due to the danger the dog faced towards the police he was shot dead by a dog unit and armed police officers.


Wednesday, 21 March 2012


It is interesting how daily each person is tested. In the workplace you are tested for your knowledge and skills. Similar in Schools. But, Everyday the innocent poor people all over the world are tested for their patience. It makes you wonder, and it certainly made me wonder, how long that patience will last? Can we sit here reading this blog and not do anything. Well the answer is we can. Recently, I came across an orgainsation which has now become close to my heart. And I hope it becomes close to yours. Orphans in Need is an international organisation with the aim to help the vulnerable orphans and widows of the world. Visit their website and even if you can't donate, assist them by letting the world know about their cause and with your help we can create a brighter future for tomorrow, and shorten that test these people deal with on a daily basis.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


It was only last week, when I last made comment on the weather which I experienced. Instead of Fog, today it is quite nice. The Sun is shining and it is a beautiful day.

Even though it is nowhere near the heat of the deserts, I still thought that I was experiencing desert like conditions (HOW WRONG AM I). It reminded me of the time when I went to Dubai as a young boy.  GOOD MEMORIES!